Thursday, February 26, 2009

Pastel on paper, 30 x 20 cm 'Wigs & Mannequin Heads' for DSFDF

I failed completely on my purpose (to post a painting every week),
but I haven't given up.

This piece is my contribution for DSFDF challenge. almost a week ahead (I made it, Erika!)

I'll try to work on another one during next week... we'll see...


Πιγκουίνος said...

Great paintings!
Greetings from Athens!

Anonymous said...

Very nice interpretation! I like how you left the faces blank.

sara alexandre said...

thank you my Greek visitor whose name I can't spell...(sorry. how does it sound, your name?)

Thank you Lesley. I love your paintings and your blog. it means a lot to me.