Sunday, September 13, 2009

Back to work

Cupcakes, pastel on paper 29x21 cm

Back to work.

This is my entry for the current challenge on Karin Jurik's blog

Meanwhile, I started taking a painting course, too.
I hope to keep the pace and post the works here.


luisa morais machado said...

At last.

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

Yummylicious! Very nice entry!!!

Carlos Ferreira da Silva said...

gooo sister!!!

dominique eichi said...

Great DSFDF, good job.

sara alexandre said...

Thank you all.
I'm really happy to be back on DSFDF routine.
Hopefully, I'll grow from there.

Damião Vieira said...

Olá tudo bem.
De volta ao DSFDF,boa gama de brancos pois também é cor, as sombras precisavam de mais transparênçia.
E que o curso seja um abrir de mais janelas na tua pintura. Parabêns
Damião Vieira